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Red quartz tube is one of the most special quartz tube

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Red quartz tube is one of the most special quartz tube

Release date:2014-06-11 00:00 Source:http://jgehuv.cn Views:


Red quartz tube for several trace elements, so that it reaches all ultraviolet cutoff and some visible light and infrared obtained by making full use of the role, the quartz glass tube with infrared radiation, fast heating, energy saving and environmental protection features such as luminous soft. For heating, drying tube ambition data. Commodities are pink, red wine, red, pink, Coffee red (all lit color) color products are widely used in the far infrared heating areas such as: heater, disinfection cabinets, microwave ovens, all kinds of electric heating cooker, electric oven, dry appearance, car paint.

Related Tags:Quartzinstrument

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