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Chemical properties of quartz tube has and the application

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Chemical properties of quartz tube has and the application

Release date:2014-05-28 00:00 Source:http://jgehuv.cn Views:

Quartz tube has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion, high temperature resistance, excellent chemical stability, excellent electrical insulation properties, ultrasonic delay low and stable, transparent UV best performance and penetration of visible light and near infrared spectral properties, and the mechanical properties than ordinary glass. Therefore it is modern cutting-edge technology in space technology, atomic energy industry, national defense equipment, automation system, as well as semiconductor, metallurgy, chemical industry, an electric light source, communication, light industry, building materials industry in the fine materials.
The pipe is made of natural crystal quartz (crystal or pure silica), or the synthesis of silane and high-temperature melting into the quartz glass. After melting processing performance are excellent, in high viscosity range, the tubes and rods of thermal processing such as ordinary glass. The same, high-speed machining tool can also be made of diamond and silicon carbide, quartz glass heater which made instruments complicated and special products. The properties of quartz glass mainly depends on its purity, followed by the process of heating system. Trace impurity will bring significant influence to the performance of quartz glass; at the same time as the process of thermal system slightly, will give the appearance quality defects varied, produce waste a lot of products.

Related Tags:Quartzprocessingfactory

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